Letter from the Founder

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Abilash Praveen

Hello, I am Abilash Praveen, the founder of the Percy Jebamalar Legacy Foundation. My journey towards establishing this foundation was deeply personal and inspired by a formidable individual, my wife, who left an indelible imprint on my life – Percy Jebamalar.

Percy was a beacon of strength, resilience, and undying hope. Her spirit was infectious and her empathy, boundless. Despite her own battles, she always prioritized the well-being of others. Her life was a testament to the power of human will and the profound effect of compassion. She taught me that even amidst life’s toughest trials, hope could sprout, resilience could grow, and love could yield fruits of profound connection and shared strength.

When Percy passed away, it was a loss deeply felt, but I was resolute that her legacy would continue to inspire, her resilience would continue to empower, and her compassion would continue to heal. Naming the foundation in her memory was a heartfelt tribute, a way to extend her legacy beyond her lifetime. The Percy Jebamalar Legacy Foundation and our SEEDS program are born out of a desire to perpetuate her spirit and her unwavering belief in the inherent potential within each of us.

Through this initiative, my vision is to ensure no individual or family loses hope due to life-limiting illnesses. I am dedicated to providing Supportive and Empathetic Engagement in Delivering Sustenance, following the principles that Percy exemplified in her life. By doing so, we honor Percy’s legacy, allowing her compassion and resilience to touch more lives, provide comfort, and instill hope.

As we move forward, I am committed to working tirelessly to fulfill our mission and vision, ensuring that every person we touch through the Percy Jebamalar Legacy Foundation experiences the warmth, resilience, and enduring spirit that Percy herself embodied. I believe this is the best way we can honor her memory – by being a source of strength and hope for others, just as she was for us.